This week in cheese

A tasting flight at Obika, a mozzarella bar in Milan. All impossibly fresh, one sweet one slightly tangy and one campfire smoky. Yes, a Mozzarella Bar. Oh yes.

Quality control warning

I am heading off on vacation for a while and might be blogging by mobile so you may experience periods of crappy phonecam photos and terse posts. Ciao for now.

Mall Blindness

I noticed a scratch on the right lens of my glasses. Actually, somebody else noticed and pointed it out to me. Actually, it’s more like a bunch of scratches, all told about half an inch wide and running the length of the lens top to bottom. I have no idea how...

The only place you see rubber stamps in use these days

It’s happening again. My passport is dangerously full but nowhere near expiring. Once you get a couple of full-page visas, it’s not that hard to fill a passport if you travel internationally a lot for work. Or for any other reason, I suppose. And a...

The owls are not what they seem

This one’s for the big N who gave me a Lomo Fisheye camera. It’s not replacing my Ricoh GR-1 any time soon, but it sure makes you look around a little different. On top of the oddness of the ultra wide lens, this shot has the benefit of being a black and...

Radically Minimal Slides

How many slides must a man present before he must stop and vent? Lately, I’ve become bored with creating and giving presentations. (I know, you’re thinking, “what took you so long?”) People in the office say I’m good at it, and I’ve...

OK, who put the empty bottle of Port back in the fridge?

I was out this weekend at a local “desserterie” after dinner for some, you guessed it, dessert. My friend and I agreed to split a chocolate fondue and a dessert wine flight – a tasting portion each of Sauvignon Blanc, Gewirtztraminer, and Port. When...