The hippest thing I own is square

Americans seem to like to define themselves by their cars. I like to resist that, but I do appreciate good design, and I do recognize that an item as large and visible as a car can’t help but contribute to your personal brand. For what it’s worth, this...

More Map Meme

Mere minutes after I posted the roundup of globe stuff, I began to receive synchronicitous map-related items. Here are two that are interesting in juxtaposition. First up: Microsoft makes their point with maps. I was reading the deadly boring tech journals at work, as...

This Month in Globes

A roundup of globe-related items. Obviously, I’ve got a thing for maps, as does my buddy Bruce in a different kind of way; and a globe is a very special kind of map indeed. I. GPS Visualizer Back in June, I posted about the Great Circle Mapper, a cool tool for...

Waistline Phone Line

I’m on record for several disparaging remarks about the effectiveness of advertising in in-flight magazines and in-flight radio programs, so I was as surprised as anybody when I actually ripped out and saved this bit from JAL’s Skyward magazine: If the...

Pizzeria al Puffo

Those last couple of posts seemed kinda eggheaded, so here’s Pizzeria al Puffo in Muggia. “Pizza a taglio” is “pizza by the slice” but I have no explanation for ether the smurf or the wheelbarrow. Right here in Cambridge, there’s a...