High and Low at the Cafe Demel

Just days ahead of passover, my mind returns to pastry-filled Vienna, where I sampled the famous sachertorte at the Demel pastry shop. Read about the history of the dessert and its name in this turgid wikipedia entry. The Demel, on a busy slightly touristy shopping...

I'd like to buy a vowel

Struggling to read, speak and understand the local language is part of the fun of travelling, but being completely unable to pronounce the word for ice cream is just plain cruel. That’s not the name of the shop, that’s the name of the frosty dessert. And...

Return on Focus, part II: $650 Billion!

Hang up the phone, turn off the TV and put away your kibosh. I was right earlier this month when I started musing on the concept of Return on Focus. The New York Times reports, among other factods, this:In a recent study, a group of Microsoft workers took, on average,...

In the Queue

In book club: The Final Solution by Michael Chambon Recommended by Lynne: My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk Pointedly displayed at work: Why Businesspeople Speak Like Idiots by Brian Fugere, et. al. Straining to be free of the myspace player: Working As Intended by Speck...

Vienna is a great, compact city

Almost everything you would want to see is all on the same street, Einbahn. The photo lab folks have temporarily bungled my film – again – so I have nothing but a couple of phonecam pics to share at this point. Maybe I’ll scan some ephemera or my...