
This weekend the moon was full and in perigee and therefore appeared bigger and brighter than usual, a so-called supermoon. Perigee is the point at which the earth is closest to some object that orbits it in an elliptical path. Apogee is the point of greatest distance...

Invisible Manhattanhenge

Last week saw the second and last occurrence of Manhattanhenge this year. If you’ve been blissfully slumbering under a rock, or for some reason just not using Manhattan as the measure of the world, Manhattanhenge is when the setting sun lines up with the...

Balcony kale, two months later

The kale seedlings I got from The Neighborhood Farm are thriving with only a few hours of direct sunlight a day on the northwest facing balcony. Though next time I might want to get more than three kale plants in order to have more than an amuse-bouche worth. Just two...