OpenCoffee at Andala

I got a message from Si in London recommending that I check out this upcoming TweetUp in Cambridge.  Turns out it was at Andala Cafe, home of my favorite hummus plate and barely a block from limeduck world headquarters.  Once again, the internet pwnz geography.  The...

Wider is better?

Have you noticed that just about every computer or TV screen has gone widescreen?  I’m not sure what portion of TV programming or movies comes in what aspect ratio, but I’m definitely seeing computer monitors expanding horizontally. There are some good...

Frogs at Webinnovators

All the discussion of lipstick these days makes me think of the old adage, “You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your handsome prince.”  Sure, some frogs are so awful they’re utterly unkissable, and some hop away as soon as they see you...