GOOG, where's my car?

Google Maps’ Street View feature – wherein they send car-mounted cameras tooling around the streets of an area and use whiz-bang technology to stitch the photos together into an eye-level view of everything along the streets – has come to Boston. So,...

The last checks I'll ever buy?

Sadly, that’s not quite the same thing as “the last check I’ll ever write” but it’s not far off. I’m deep into the ebills thing. Deep. Kudos to my bank for making this service so sticky. It used to be you had to pay extra for your...

UPS still right to avoid lefts?

Fellow geek driver C sent this my way, evidently having missed my April post on the same topic: Left-Hand-Turn Elimination It seems that sitting in the left lane, engine idling, waiting for oncoming traffic to clear so you can make a left-hand turn, is minutely...

Can you can this?

At The Museum of Useful Things in Harvard Square, the answer is definitely, “yes!”  They will seal “anything that will fit” in a 16-ounce tin (probably aluminum, but you know what I mean) can for $4, using a wonderfully old and weird...

Blackboards and Whiteboards

More synchronicities and reveries. Last week, I joined some good folks from two of my favorite TLAs, PRC and MIT for a reception at the new gallery space at MIT’s Center for Theoretical Physics, which was created in collaboration with the Photographic Resource...