The price of Cronin Park is eternal vigilance

Just about two years ago, I wrote about Cambridge’s Cronin Park, a triangle of green near Central Square. These days, location-based stuff is all the rage, and I was pleased to note that Cronin Park is a place on Foursquare.  I quickly became the mayor. But when...

The Mayor of Central Nowhere

A lot of the people who said that microblogging or Twitter was the Big Thing of 2008 or 2009 are saying that location or Foursquare is the Big Thing of 2010 or beyond.  I don’t know if Foursquare is played yet, or if Twitter already has jumped the shark, but...

Posto wood-fires the near-Davis curse

You know how some locations just seem cursed?  Those odd retail or restaurant locations that just can’t seem to support a business no matter what?  Sometimes it becomes a sport to guess how long the next one will last and sometimes you just stop bothering to...

In search of the Green Unicorn in Boston

I recently posted about an amazing vegetarian meal I had in Chicago at Green Zebra, and pondered why such a high-end vegetarian restaurant somehow exists in Chicago but not Boston.  I stick by my assessment that there’s nothing quite like Green Zebra around...