Monday’s team meeting came with catered chinese lunch. Late in the afternoon, I took the bag of fortune cookies up to reception and put them in the empty candy basket. I took one yesterday and one today.
Yesterday’s cookie fortune:
Your day will be somewhat dictated by authority.
Today’s cookie fortune:
Don’t let the past and useless details choke your existence.
Man, that’s a bad trip – you pretty much never want the word “choke” on anything you get from a cookie. I continue to cling to the belief that if you don’t eat the cookie, its fortune does not apply to you.
UPDATE: Wednesday’s cookies (I went double or nothing)
Now is a great time to broaden your scope of influence.
and, more ominously but less grammatically,
The change you started already have far-feaching effects. Be ready.
I’ve gotten a cookie with no fortune, very sad. – lkb