Pi(e) Day

It’s not just eruv Ides of March, it’s Pi (π) Day.  Some go so far as to mark Pi minute at a minute before two, as in 3/14 1:59.  Yeah, I know.  Not for everybody.  But for some, it’s a big deal.  I for one, plan to eat something that alters the...

With bagels, everything is nothing

Spending a few days in NYC, I’ve been thinking more than usual about bagels and bialys.  Serendipitously comes this item via Book of Joe: some guy pops up and claims to have invented the everything bagel. And then Seth Godin pops up and says he didn’t. ...

Cooks upstage books

It’s been quite a literary and culinary weekend. Friday night was Book Club, featuring Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go, backed up by poached salmon with couscous and red and gold beets, spinach salad, garlic bean soup and a purchased dessert assortment of...

I want my hour back, and my $3.19 too.

It turns out that Daylight Saving (not Savings) Time is a bust. I had always suspected that it was more trouble than it was worth, but now, via the biggest Indian in Indiana, comes hard-hitting research that proves that DST costs us three bucks a year in extra heating...