Do I detect a hint of sangiovese in the haroset?

Chianti that’s kosher for passover.  It’s down with both DOCG and OUP.  Too bad ashkenazim can’t have fava beans at passover.  I think we’ll leave the Manischewitz to Elijah. In other news, the New York Times finds kosher wines from Israel...

Snappy Sushi comes to Davis Square

Although its grand opening might have been obscured by nearby Chipotle’s free burrito day promotion on Thursday, Snappy Sushi is a welcome addition to the Davis Square dining scene.  Especially the lunch scene.  The intrepid FG marketing group set out to...

Tempest in a Tiffin

You know how sometimes it seems you can’t do anything without causing some kind of fuss? First it was the Lake Champlain Chocolate Kerfuffle, and now this: Last week I went to lunch with A at a Diva, an Indian restaurant near my office and was pleasantly...

Tiny limeduck devils

I really like the idea of Etsy, which describes itself as “Your place to buy and sell all things handmade,” although I haven’t yet found something there I actually want to buy. That doesn’t stop people bringing certain kinds of Etsy items to my...

The International Language of Dim Sum

A while ago, I blogged about a comment I heard at a Photographic Resource Center lecture. Either Max Becher or Andrea Robbins said, “In order not to go blind, you have to travel.” Oddly enough, that post got picked up by Radio Barachois, which might or...