Wider is better?

Have you noticed that just about every computer or TV screen has gone widescreen?  I’m not sure what portion of TV programming or movies comes in what aspect ratio, but I’m definitely seeing computer monitors expanding horizontally. There are some good...

Young artsy types convene in Boston

Once again, I’m in danger of falling seriously behind on posting about events that I’ve attended or noted, so I’m going to get proactive and blog about some events that are upcoming and maybe drum up a few more attendees.  Perhaps I’ll see you...

As the bridge turns

The Northern Avenue bridge was illuminaled in orange and blue but I didn’t get even halfway across when a security guy called out that we had to clear the bridge because it was going to open.  Open?  I had no idea it could.  Turns out it’s the spinny kind...

Along the Greenway

Yesterday was the official grand opening of the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway, the strip of urban parks that has replaced the elevated route 93 and changed the face of Boston.  I might quibble with the execution or the cost, but I can’t say enough good things...