Neighborhood patrol

Not that long ago, I used to travel a lot for work, it seemed I was never home.  Occasionally I would join newoligarch for “neighborhood patrol” wherein we would walk around our neighborhoods, taking conscious note of stores opening and closing,...

I owe LinkedIn an apology, or perhaps they owe me one

Perhaps you read my earlier post about applying for API use with LinkedIn’s developer program, or the followup post, or Ed’s erudite comment on that second post.  In any case, I decided to try it again, just in case something got lost in translation the...

Pumpkin kebbee at Wrapro on Mass Ave

I met up with L after work one day last week and we dropped in to Wrapro, a newish Lebanese falafel and wrap place on Mass ave between Porter and Harvard.  I’d been meaning to check it out for a while.  The place is modern (IKEA furnished if I don’t miss...

The one thing about us meme

Recently, one of my instant messaging accounts was compromised.  Exactly how and by whom doesn’t really matter, but the upshot was that some of my friends received unpleasant messages that appeared to be from me.  Upsetting, to be sure, but something interesting...

Square food, round bowl

There’s something oddly satisfying about the soft splat of leftovers into the bowl, still holding the shape of the box.