Space Duck Mother Mother

Ordinarily I would not post twice in a week about giant ducks, but this has been no ordinary week, gentle readers. As you are no doubt aware, the European Space Agency spacecraft Rosetta is heading for a rendezvous with the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Recent...

Duck on the water, fire in the sky

This week in giant ducks, we have Energy Duck, a project proposed for Copenhagen’s harbor by a team of London artists. Energy Duck isn’t just a glass and steel foil to my house fave, Florentijn Hofman’s giant rubber duck, it’s a collector and...

Word of the day: Festoon

I’d been using the word festooned for some time – this is the third blog post using it – probably because it’s fun to say, but I recently discovered there’s a noun, festoon, lurking behind that fun verb. So sayeth wikipedia: A Festoon...

It's wicked hahd to pahk your cah

I should have known it would not be long. Just last month I posted about the battle between the city of San Francisco and the app Monkey Parking, and now the kerfuffle has come East as Universal Hub reported today that Boston mayor Walsh is squaring off against...