This is going to be difficult

Finally, I’ve got some time to blog. You know, quality time, like when you’re jetlagged out of your mind at an hour when the only things to do outside the hotel are or should be illegal? So I log on to blogger, and here’s what I get: As you’re...

Whose side are you on?

Recently, I participated in an event at work that I referred to as “The Great Cube Shuffle,” in which every single employee – save two – moved to a different office or cubicle. I was not one of the two. I moved two offices over, from a...

Do you feel the need?

The need for… screed? Sometimes you need a good cathartic rant and nothing else will do. Brevity is for poncey haiku-writers. But seriously, in this political season in this bloggy time, there’s really no shortage of ponced-up screed. There must be some...