This chocolate pudding could be A+

I’ve called out food trucks before for obfuscating the name and content of common dishes, but when Mei Mei Street Kitchen put Sanguinaccio Dolce on the board, they helpfully, if bluntly, glossed it with “Taza chocolate, John Crow farm pigs blood.”...

Let's call the matzo ball off

A nice Indian American boy from New York won the national spelling bee on the yiddish word “knaydel.” That’s a matzo (not matzah, don’t get me started) ball if you’re among the perplexed. Whether the Bar Mitzvah-aged winner picked up his...

Even giant inflatable ducks need a break

My mancrush favorite artist working the medium of inflatable ducks, Florentijn Hofman, has brought his giant inflatable duck to Hong Kong harbor, a place that is also special to me. Apparently many welcomed their new rubber duckie overlord. The 54 foot high duck...

Bye bye Beatrice, and happy Koninginnedag

In the Netherlands, today is Koninginnedag, the official celebration of the Queen’s birthday, if not the actual birthday of the woman who is currently queen. Or rather, was queen. Today, Queen Beatrice abdicated the throne at the age of 75, after a 33-year...