Mobile Photo Blogging Geek Notes

I sometimes rankle when people ask technical and process questions about how I make photos rather than talking about the aesthetic content. But let’s face it, the photos of late haven’t exactly been art, and it presents an opportunity for some tech notes....

After the Tuscan Sun

Dusk over the Arno. Everybody else is shooting the other way towards the Ponte Vecchio but the light is gone and the bridge is too far away. Always know the time of sunrise and sunset and if possible the phase and times of the moon, too.

The owls are not what they seem

This one’s for the big N who gave me a Lomo Fisheye camera. It’s not replacing my Ricoh GR-1 any time soon, but it sure makes you look around a little different. On top of the oddness of the ultra wide lens, this shot has the benefit of being a black and...

Sea and Sky

Sorry I’ve been out of touch since HK, things got pretty crunky in Singapore and I was sick by the time I hit Mexico City. But anyway, the film is back and I’m going to post some more HK harbour shots under various conditions. Also going to update the...