by David | Jun 10, 2007 | photo, travel, working
The good news is, in Tokyo you can get a good cheap umbrella almost anywhere, and they always provide long plastic bags to put your wet umbrella in when you go inside a building.
by David | May 24, 2007 | photo, travel
Malaga is Picasso’s birthplace. There’s a museum there containing a fair sample of his works, few if any of which were actually created in Malaga. He left at the age of 14 to go to art school in Barcelona. From the Alcazaba fortress. From the balcony of...
by David | May 13, 2007 | photo
by David | May 13, 2007 | culture, photo, travel
Trying out a warmer tone. Looking East on the river. Under the chocolate-scented bridge. A bit of Goldberg’s Marina City and Mies’ IBM building.
by David | Apr 27, 2007 | photo, travel
by David | Apr 27, 2007 | photo, travel