Duck on the water, fire in the sky

This week in giant ducks, we have Energy Duck, a project proposed for Copenhagen’s harbor by a team of London artists. Energy Duck isn’t just a glass and steel foil to my house fave, Florentijn Hofman’s giant rubber duck, it’s a collector and...

Ebook cookbook fails fractions

I was reading an ebook on my phone (soon I’ll give in and just say, “I was reading a book”) and got to a part that included a recipe. I wasn’t about the actually try to prepare it, not least because I was on the train at the time, so I...

I see a red LED and I want it painted, black

And not just the red ones, either. With all this always on equipment around the house, I don’t need night lights anymore, I can find my way around by the light of various LEDs, even ones on “standby” or allegedly switched off appliances. On the other...

Dude, where's my air filter?

Not that long ago, I noticed a not-so-fresh quality to the air inside my car. I couldn’t find any particular source of unfreshness and figured maybe it was time to replace the cabin air filter. I’ve had this car about nine years and I don’t remember...