Red velvet with that slow southern style

Red. Velvet. Fried. Chicken. I heard the rumor that somebody at OMG Red Velvet would be serving red velvet fried chicken and assumed it must be the clever folks at Hungry Mother, what with their southern thing.  But when I arrived, I found none other than the...

Red velvet if you please

“Hey, aren’t you limeduck?” I froze like a raccoon caught hot-wiring a Mazda coupe.  I was with ubranaut C at Flour Bakery and one a table of women making valentine decorations thought she knew me.  As it turns out, it was none other than...

Goat shit marketing

I try not to look at the ads in the T, especially the ones over the tracks.  If you look there too long, your animal brain starts to notice things moving down there and you become aware of a whole rodent jamboree.  But that’s not my point, this is: I saw it a...