Not this post, actually, but another post on this blog, one about my last-minute passport hassles this summer. I’m not going to link to it here for fear of making the problem worse. This post alone has attracted over 250 instances of comment spam. No other post on this blog has been nearly so honored, not even close.

Fortunately, WordPress has so far caught all these spammy comments, but I still get several notifications of the fact each day, such as this one, which is by far a more family-friendly group of spam links than I usually get.


But why is this post so attractive to the losers (or more likely, loserbots) who peddle this junk? They never get posted so it’s not as if they are following upon success. There are over 150 posts in this blog, and growing. Can this one somehow be more effective or appropriate for comment spam? Is this somehow construed as my best work?

I thought I was clever last week – I changed the post’s slug, the chunk of URL that identifies it, thinking that the spambot would find the old page gone and move on. That holiday delusion lasted an hour or two. I’m considering deleting the post completely to see what happens. I can always post it again.

I don’t want to quote any more of the spam comments in text, since that’s what they want, but this one is just too odd. I’m not going to click on it, that’s for sure, but, “music for aardvarks” – what’s up with that? The economcs of comment spam are dubious enough, but who even wants to boost their search rank for such a topic? Is there really any contention to be the #1 result?