My tour of Boston City Hall food trucks is winding down. It looks like I won’t catch them all in April as I’d planned but it was great to catch up with the estimable Mei Mei team this week and finally sample their signature sandwich, the Double Awesome.


I don’t know if Mei Mei invented the scallion pancake sandwich, but I’m glad it’s here. The Double Awesome is filled with sharp Vermont cheddar, pesto, and two slow poached then fried eggs. I don’t usually dig on poached eggs or eggs in non-breakfast sandwiches, but this next sign meant I just had to go there.


Yes, these eggs were from happy vegetarian Rhode Island chickens from a family farm. And if you’re feeling a little edgy about eating poached eggs, these are the sorts of eggs you should be seeking out. Most of Mei Mei’s ingredients are locally sourced (where practical, it’s not 100%), but this little chalkboard made the point and connected it to that day’s menu. I couldn’t not get the eggy double awesome now.


It looks innocent enough, right? At first, it’s a grilled cheese sandwich on scallion pancake with pesto. The fried outside and the the white of the egg don’t make much initial impression as you savor the sharp cheese and garlicky pesto. But then, at some point, you get to the heart of the matter.


Now you’ve got a situation on your hands. The sandwich has gone full eggy on you. I hope you took some napkins. I’m not sure I’ll be ordering poached eggs straight up any time soon, but in this context, I can’t imagine them any other way, it just seems to pull the whole sandwich together.  Be warned though, I have to classify the Double Awesome as a Hot Mess since a scallion pancake just cannot contain things like a crepe or burrito can,.

One last note on the Mei Mei truck, check out this sign. As helpful and seemingly obvious as it is, I don’t think I’ve seen this info on any of the other trucks. Where to find them on other days, and where to find their restaurant, which I’ll write more about another time.
