Three views from the pier

About a week ago, I went to the Fisherman’s Feast of the Madonna in Boston’s North End and had a glass of wine at Vinoteca Monica.  Today, I’m in Santa Monica, so of course I went down to the famous pier.  Maybe I should have waited for the fog to...

Sunburn in San Francisco

I don’t know how many times I’ve been to San Francisco and somehow missed out on SF Camerawork, a place that “encourages emerging and mid-career artists to explore new directions in photography and related media by fostering creative forms of...

Lost in the negative

Recent tropical weather – by which I mean steamy torrents of rain, not sunny skies – always puts me in the mood to go spelunking in the photo back catalog. I found this in the “meh” bin from a trip to Hong Kong a couple of years ago. It’s...